Universal Brand Name Qualities
- Is there any brand name in the market that sounds like yours?
- Has your brand name's .com been acquired by someone other than you?
- Did you get your brand name from a brand name generator?
Oops...The existence of your company depends on how unique you are. Learn more on how important it is to be unique with your brand name.
Great… You are just amazing...
- Is your brand name easy to memorize?
- Can your brand name be memorized when you say it only once?
- Can your brand name be easily pronounced out loud?
- Is this the only way your brand name can be pronounced?
- Can anyone easily pronounce your brand name?
Yes...That’s how a brandable brand name should be…
Simplicity combined with the catchiness of your brand name. Check out our article on “simplicity of a brand name”.
Generic Words
- Does your brand name include generic words?
- Did you select a dictionary word as your brand name?
- Does your brand name include partial generic words?
That’s bad..Having generic words in the brand name will affect you in a negative way. Read more on “why a brand name without generic words is best”.
Awesome...You got the right point.
- Did you create your brand name by yourself?
- Are you the only owner for your brand name?
- Is your brand name available to register?
Wow... You got the right point...
Oh-no !!! A brand name with history directly impacts you in a negative way.. Learn more on why a brand name should not have a history.
Single Word
- Does your brand name include 2 or more words ?
- Is your brand name longer than 6 characters ?
- Is your brand name shorter than 4 characters ?
whoops….Limiting your brand name for a single word is important to be simple. Please go through our article on the ideal character count of a professional brand name..
Oh yeah !!!! You understood the value of a single word brand name….
- Does your brand name include keywords?
- Does your brand name explain what your product or service is?
Sorry !! Even Google prefers brand name without keywords.. Learn more on why Google rejects brand names with keywords….
Exactly… You know the most important factors of a brandable brand name.
- Did you try imitating popular brand names in your field when naming your business?
- Does your brand name explain what your product or service is?
Extremely Sorry !!! Imitating other brands will break the trust on you.. Learn more on this factor from our article.
Great !! You got the best way to build the trust among users...
Special Characters
- Does your brand name include numbers?
- Does your brand name include special characters such as %, #, $?
Nope..Having numbers or special characters will make your brand name difficult to remember. Learn more on how to create a brand name without numbers and special characters through our article.
Okie Dokie…. You hit to the point….
- Have you checked your brand name with voice assistants to make sure they can grab
your brand name easily? - Did you know that robot friendly brand names can be pronounced by any human
being in the world?
Amazing… You know well about how a brandable brand name should be.
Oops...That’s bad...Robots will give you an idea about the simplicity of your brand name. Learn more on how robots will help you when naming your business.
Negative Connotation
- Have you considered the global meaning of your brand name?
Great… That's how you should name a business….
Bad !!! Having negative connotations will impact you in a negative way when you're expanding your business. Read our article to know the top companies failed because of having negative meaning in the brand name.
There are zillions of words out there and why should I worry about getting a brand name? Most entrepreneurs think this way when it comes to getting a brand name for their businesses. But the correct question to ask is what makes a good brand name? The answer to this question will lead you to a perfect brand name. The answer to that question is Brand name Qualities.
Brand name qualities are a must include if you are interested in getting a perfect brand name. There are 10 universal brand name qualities to consider and we are explaining each in detail in this article. And also these are not just brand name qualities, most qualities are inspired by branding psychology facts. By including brand name qualities in your brand name, you can get immense customer attraction and satisfaction towards your business.
Can I Create A Brandable Brand Name For My Business?
Yes!!! All you have to do is study the brand name qualities well. Our brand name specialists have researched and introduced these universal brand names. There are 10 brand name qualities and very easy to follow and apply in your brand name. And do you know the best thing? These brand name qualities are universal!!!
Why Are They Called “Universal” Brand Name Qualities???
It is because these brand name qualities are universally applicable and easy to follow anyone in the world. It will not vary from one category to another. It will not matter what language you speak either. If you are enthusiastic to get a brandable brand name for your business, that is the only requirement that matters.
Why Should You Get A Brandable Brand Name?
These are some of the advantages you can receive for your business when selecting a brand name with brand name qualities.
- You can stand out from the competition- no matter how good your product or service is, you need a brand name to sell it for your target customers. There can be thousands of brand names in the market for your product or service. So it is very important to begin your business journey with an outstanding brand name. It makes your brand name highlighted among most of the other generic worded, usual brand names.
- Loyal Customer Crowd- your brand name is the first impression your customer ever deals with before they get to experience your product or service. With a brandable brand name, you can make a strong impression on your customer’s mind. Which makes it difficult for the customer to forget your brand name. A brandable brand name helps you to get a loyal customer crowd.
- Higher customer recognition- in the market there are thousands of brand names just for one product or service. With a brandable brand name you can set your product or service apart from many other competitors which allows your customer to recognize you and motivate your customer to select your brand name.
- Less marketing cost– the marketing cost is very huge for a business in it’s starting stage. You can reduce this marketing cost in half with a brandable brand name. Because brandable brand names are easy to memorize, easy to pronounce and unique. When a customer reads your brand name, it is very easy for them to introduce their friends and colleagues. So your brand name also becomes a free marketing tool.
- Zero rebranding risk- with a brandable brand name you never have to worry about rebranding your business. All these brand name qualities are universally applicable and focused on human nature. Brandable brand names are for long and successful business journeys.
- Customer attraction- professional brand names have many customer friendly qualities such as short, simple, easy to remember and easy to read. These four qualities glues customer’s eyes and memory to your brand name. So you can grow more loyal customers to your brand name.
- Word of mouth strategy- when your customer is so satisfied with your brand name, they usually share it with their friends and family. This is known as word of mouth strategy which happens without costing your money. But only your brand name is easy to remember and pronounce. For a brandable brand name, the word of mouth strategy works faster and more successfully.
- Easy to get an exact match domain name- having an online presence is a must for businesses, situations like covid 19 we experiencing these days prove how important and advisable to open an online shop for your business. If you select a brandable brand name, you can easily get the exact match domain name for your website, which is very difficult even impossible with a common brand name. An exact match domain name is when you can get the domain name exactly the same as your brand name. The exact match domain name is very beneficial for a business.
- Time and money-saving- this is also an advantage of getting a brandable brand name. A brandable brand name means a marketing tool itself. So the time and money you ought to spend on promoting your brand name are saved.
- Universal access- these brand names are universally applicable. All the brand name qualities are meant to apply to any human being. Some brand names are not flexible, they keep you from future business possibilities. But if you get a brandable brand name, they welcome future business possibilities as brandable brand names are expandable.
01. Uniqueness
Is Your Brand Name Unique?
Uniqueness is an important brand name quality that you need to consider seriously in the brand naming process. In the branding process, by uniqueness means having these two sub qualities included in your brand name. The first one is, distinctive from other competitive brand names in the industry and has a .com domain name for the brand name. A unique brand name sets you apart from the competition and it saves your company’s both time and money. So uniqueness is a must to include quality in your brand name.
So What Makes A "Unique" Brand Name?
- Your brand name needs to be distinctive
- Make sure your brand name does not include generic words or partial generic words
- Do not imitate other competitor’s brand names
- Make sure your brand name sounds fresh and innovative for anyone who is hearing it for the first time.
- Make sure your brand name is keyword free
- Most of the handpicked brand names are unique
- Most unique brand names have innovative and strong brand stories.
- Avoid using more than one word as your brand name, one word is perfect!
- Do not copy other successful brand names in your field
.com can make your brand name unique as it is the king of the domain extensions. .com is the most used domain extension in the world, in percentage it is 47%. If you get a .com domain name it makes you the only legal owner of your brand name. So to get the most out of your brand name, it is very important to get the best domain extension for your startup.
Google, Yahoo, Amazon are some of the best unique brand names in the world that also owns the .com domain name. So make sure to select a unique brand name for your startup.

Ways to come up with a unique brand name?
Here are some approaches to get your business a unique brand name…
- Using acronyms- If your brand name has more than two words in it, you can form a unique brand name by using the first letters of each word. This way allows you to form a memorable and unique brand name. For example, IBM.
- Word Combination – this is also a method you can use as acronyms, the difference is, you can select two or three parts of words and combine them into one word. Make sure to select the words that explain your business most accurately and also to combine them in a creative way to get a unique brand name. For example, Instagram formed the combination of the words instant camera (insta) and telegram (gram).
- Made-up words – this is the most successful way to come up with a unique brand name. A bit of a difficult approach, but you can get a very unique output. Make sure to avoid difficult pronunciation patterns, easy to memorize, and innovative. For example, Google, Visa, Hulu.
02. Easy To Pronounce And Memorize (Simplicity)
Is Your Brand Name Easy To Memorize And Pronounce?
This is an important brand name quality. Memorability and pronouncing ability of a brand name goes hand in hand; depends on each other. When a brand name is easy to pronounce, it makes the brand name more memorable.
You can get the memorization ability of your brand name by calculating the phonological loop value of your brand name. Brand names like Yahoo, ebay, Google have higher phonological loop values.
What Makes A Brand Name Memorable?
- Avoid complex pronunciation patterns in your brand name. Keep it simple!
- Unique brand names are memorable
- Meaningful brand names are more memorable
- Brand names with numbers and special characters make it difficult for your customer to memorize your brand name.
- If you follow the same naming trend as your competitors, it will make your brand name one of the common brand names in the industry and that will make your brand name less memorable.
- Short brand names are easier to grab and hard to forget!
- Keep numbers and special characters out of your brand name, it makes your brand name less memorable.
- An attractive logo is also a help to strengthen your brand’s memorability.
Pronunciation ability can also be measured with vocabularyscore.com. According to the results you can get an idea about the state of the pronunciation ability of your brand name.
If you get a result between 10 to 8 your brand name has a higher pronunciation ability and can be recommended as a super brand name.
If you get a result between 8 to 6 your brand name has a normal pronunciation ability and can be recommended as a brand name.
If you get a score below 6 you better move for a better brand name.
Make sure your brand name has a high memorization value in order to make a strong brand name.
How To Get A Brand Name That Is Easy To Pronounce?
- If your brand name is easy to read loud it is a pronounceable brand name.
- If a brand name rolls off the tongue without any difficulty it is a pronounceable brand name.
- Short brand names are easy to pronounce
- Simple brand names are easy to pronounce
- Trying your brand name with a sample audience is a good way to decide whether a brand name is easy to pronounce or not.
Pronunciation ability of your brand name is so important…
03. No Generic Word Included
Is Your Brand Name Free From Generic Words?
Make sure you avoid generic words and partial generic words in your brand name. There are many brand names that can be found in one industry that include generic words. So if you select a generic word as your brand name that would only make you just one brand name in the industry. With a generic word in your brand name, you cannot stand out from the competition.
Most of the companies have relaunched their Generic brand names on the Branded brand name after they understood the impact of generic words in their brand name. Here are some companies who relaunched to remove their generic names,
Weight Watchers-WW
Dunkin’ Donuts-Dunkin
Brad’s Drink-Pepsi
PC’s Limited-DELL
How To Avoid Generic Words In Your Brand Name?
- Do not try to describe what you do(the product or the service) through your brand name.
- Avoiding partial generic words in your brand name. (Assume you are going to start a furniture business and you name it as Furni lover etc)
- Unique brand names are always perfect.
Know more about the importance of avoiding generic words in your brand name…

04. No Registration History
Have You Selected A Brand That Used Before?
Some entrepreneurs choose band names that were used before. Our brand name consultants highly refuse this method as a brand naming approach. Because,
- Maybe the brand name could’ve been used for illegal businesses. If the brand name used for an illegal product or service, you cannot build your own brand identity even your business is totally different
- Your brand message fails to reach your target audience, as the brand name stood before for a different service or product.
- It confuses the customer
Ex: If the brand name abc.com used to sell soap earlier and has left its brand name because of some issues and a new user buys the same brand name after many years to sell computers.
- Some owners send millions of spam emails to sell products/services and give up the Brands.
- Most scam product sellers register brands and give up them immediately.
How To Know That You Selected A Brand Name With A History?
- You can search your domain name on archive.org and see whether a website for your brand name used before or not
- Or you can search your domain name on the internet to find out whether there is a website with your brand name
- It is advisable to avoid selecting brand names that have been registered before
05. Shortness
Is Your Brand Name Single Worded?
If your brand name exceeds one word it becomes less attractive and hard to memorize. The ideal character count of a brandable brand name is 4 to 6. If you exceed the character limit, it makes the customer hard to memorize. For example,
- Amazon
- Apple
- Yahoo
See, brand names with ideal character count are perfect.
Things To Consider When Selecting A Short Brand Name
- Not longer than 6 characters
- Not shorter than 4 characters
- When selecting a short brand name, consider the ideal character count as 4 to 6.
06. No Keyword Included
Does Your Brand Name Include Keywords?
A Keyword or descriptive word is known as a significant word from a title or document used especially as an index to content. For example, if you have a Furniture business and you name it as Furniture, The name itself suggests the product you sell.
Including keywords in your brand name makes your brand name less attractive and generic. When a brand name expresses the core of your business, it lessens the excitement a brand name should have. Google does not rank the brand names with keywords. So make sure to not to include keywords in your brand name.
How To Avoid Keywords In Your Brand Name?
- Avoid dictionary words in your brand name
- The words you select as your brand name should not describe your business
- Choose unique brand name that you can present your business core in a creative way
- If your brand name is too long and includes many keywords, you can create your brand name with the first letters of that brand name. But consider this option at last.
07. Not A Copy Of An Existing Brand Name
Does Your Brand Resemble A Successful Brand Name In Your Industry?
As there is less awareness on the importance of the brand naming process, some entrepreneurs imitate successful and popular brand names in the industry as their brand name.
As all the businesses have their own mission, and the brand name is one of the factors to drive it to the customers, imitating an existing brand name logically cannot be approved. So it is advisable to create your own brand name because you are the one who knows your brand story the best than anyone else.
For example, twitter, twittro
Consider Your Competitor When Creating Your Brand Name
- Doing a competitor analysis is a good way to get a better understanding on how to name your business
- Analyze the best brand names in your industry and create a better brand name which is different from the existing brands
- Do not imitate the existing brand names it only makes your brand name less attractive
- Unique brand names help you to stand out from the competition
08. No Number Or Special Character Included
Does Your Brand Name Consist Of Numbers Or Special Characters?
There are many brand names in the market, that include numbers and special characters. A number or special character in a brand name can have a nice message behind them. But, the pronunciation and memorization ability of these brand names are lesser. When converting these brand names into written form there can be misspelling problems.
If you are targeting Korean or Chinese market for your product or service, this method can be accepted as they believe in numbers. Unless including numbers and special characters makes your brand name less attractive.
Knowing well about the importance of avoiding numbers and special characters in your brand name will help you to get the maximum out of your brand name.
Important Factors To Consider If Your Brand Name Include Numbers Or Special Characters
- Brand names with numbers and special characters are less memorable
- There can be problems in converting these brand names into written form
- If your brand name includes special characters such as @, %, $ there can be mispronunciation issues.
X Brandname1
X Brand6name
X Brand6name
X Brandnameᣥ
09. Robots Friendliness
Is Your Brand Name Robots Familiar?
We use the voice assistant service more than ever in our day to day lifestyle. Making your brand name easier to be grabbed for voice assistants is a necessity. If your brand name is hard to be grabbed by the voice assistants, it explains that your brand name is also hard to pronounce for the humans. So do not miss this brand name quality in your brand name.
Also, voice searches using virtual assistants such as Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Alexa have surprisingly increased in the past decade and are expected to increase in a huge percentage in the next decade. In a world where almost 90% of searchers are using voice searches, decide where you want to stand.
How To Get A Brand Name That Is Robots Familiar?
- If a robot can grab your brand name correctly and without a delay, any human can speak your brand name
- You can check your brand name with several voice assistants such as Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant.
- If the voice assistants fail to grab your brand name at once, it means there will be some problems when human pronounce it too
Make sure your brand name is robots friendly…
10. No Negative Connotations
Does Your Brand Name Generate Negative Meanings In Other Languages?
When creating a brand name, you need to consider the global application of your brand name too. Your brand name may have a nice meaning in your language, but does it in other languages too?
For example, 7up is a soda company in the USA and when they thought of transiting their brand 7up to China they faced a huge difficulty because in Shanghai 7up means “death through drinking.”
The meaning holds a large impact on the brand name. So consider the universal meaning of your brand name when selecting a brand name for your business.
How To Avoid Brand Names With Negative Connotations?
- When you select a brand name, make sure it does not make any negative meaning in any language
- This is an important brand name quality when you introduce your business for the other countries.
- You can refer to our brand name idea evaluation tool or you can search on the internet search to avoid this issue in your brand name.
Consider These 5 Elements Of A Good Brand Name
To achieve the sense of completion of a branding process, you need to consider these 5 elements of a good brand name. Make sure to develop these factors of your brand name when you settle with a brandable brand name.
- Brand position- brand position is how a customer identifies your brand name from your competitors and which position you hold in your customers mind.
- Brand promise- this is also an important element of a brand name. With a brand name you present a set of values to the customers; a set of promises. You need to confirm your brand promise every single time a customer deals with your brand. Brand promise creates loyal customers for a business.
- Brand personality- brand personality is a human characteristic and every brand name has a brand personality. You need to understand your business and through the brand name you can express the brand personality.
- Brand story- there is a story to every business to tell their customers and it is known as the brand story. The brand story adds an extra value to the brand name.
- Brand associations- the other features which represent the business associated with the brand name such as logo, slogan, the font type, the colors etc.
The perfections of a brand name will always come with the qualities it consists of. A brand name that consists of all these brand name qualities can be named as super brand names. Brinso brand name idea evaluation tool is considering all these brand name qualities plus the phonological loop to measure how good or bad your brand name is.
Some Examples For Brandable Brand Names
We have discussed the brand name qualities in detail and we hope you now have the knowledge to create or identify a brandable brand name. But for your convenience we list some brandable brand names with popular categories as follows. All these brand names are listed and recommended by our brand name specialists.
Existing Brandable Brand Names In The Apparel Industry
- Nike
- H&M
- Uniqlo
Recommended Brand Names For The Apparel Category
These brand name samples are recommended by our brand name specialists for any business related to the apparel industry. All these brand names are brandable and we have listed more brand names for the apparel industry.
- Acays
- Toyono
- Wyaki
- Nizow
Existing Brandable Brand Names In The Fashion Category
- Rolex
- Tissot
Recommended Brand Names For The Fashion Industry
- Cligor
- Azly
- Zaza
- Weloky
These are some of the brandable brand names in the Fashion industry and we have listed more fashion brand names that include all the brand name qualities.
Existing Brandable Brand Names In The Food Category
- Bunge
- Sysco
- Diageo
Recommended Unique Brand Names For The Food And Beverage Category
- Soyth
- Pribok
- Yumto
- Holeeg
All these brand names are unique and perfect for the businesses in the food and beverage industry. This is just a pinch of the brand name collection and if you need to see more brand names, we have a food and beverage brand name collection!!!.
Existing Brandable Brand Names In The IT Industry
- Lenovo
Recommended Brandable Brand Names For The IT Industry
- Creshy
- Bevoxy
- Netopa
- Dijoth
Above listed four brand names include all the 10 brand name qualities and are available to be purchased. There are more IT brand names we have listed for your comfort.
Existing Brandable Brand Names In The E Commerce Industry
- Paypal
- Ebay
- Lyft
Recommended Brandable Brand Names For E Commerce Companies
These below listed brand names are unique and perfect for e commerce companies. Check out more e-commerce brand names if you are interested in them.
- Zonoi
- Cexo
- Blomto
- Naniyu
Existing Brandable Brand Names In The Sports Industry
- Asics
- Nike
Recommended Brandable Brand Names For Sports Companies
- Mucrol
- Brigom
- Biveky
- Kovoda
These brand name samples are unique and brandable. If you need to explore more brandable brand names for sports companies, we have a collection.
Existing Brand Names In The Tourism Industry
- Expedia Group
- BCD Travel
- Travel Leaders Group
- Trip Advisor
Recommended Brandable Brand Names For Tourism Businesses
- Brosti
- Holezy
- Brozey
- Ceevom
Existing Brand Names In The Agriculture Industry
- Cargil
- Bayer
- Yara International
Recommended Brand Name Ideas For Agricultural Businesses
- Duzont
- Forlly
- Malizy
- Prioll