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.X Domains : Metaverse, NFT and Future of the Internet

X Domains

Without a doubt, .X is the most favorable alternative domain extension at the time. But, will it hold its value with the competition with .Z domains?

There are 2 types of .X domains.

  1. .X Metaverse Domains (AKA MetaZ domains)
  2. .X Crypto Wallet Domains

Stay tuned to find out more on .X domains and its possibilities that will impact the future of the internet.

.X Domains

.X is an attractive and catchy domain extension hence selected as a domain extension for both metaverse and crypto wallet domains.

However, from which domain registrar you’re buying the .X domain will decide whether it’s a metaverse domain or a crypto wallet domain. From that factor alone, the usage, access method and value of the .X domain will be defined. 

The reason is you can’t use a crypto wallet domain to build a metaspace (decentralized metaverse website) and you can’t use a metaverse domain as an alternative wallet address for a crypto transaction. Not only that, everything about your .X domain will be different with this factor.

Metaverse .X Domains Crypto Wallet .X Domains
Can build Metaspaces Can’t build Metaspaces but some domain providers allow setting up simple websites using predefined templates
Can’t use as a crypto wallet address Can use as a crypto wallet address
Can access with any meta browser Access method will be vary according to domain provider and can’t access with meta browsers
AI integrated No AI capabilities
Access method, value or any other feature will not be changed based on from which meta domain registrar you bought the .X domain Access method, value or any other feature will be changed based on from which domain provider you bought the .X domain

So, you have to identify your purpose and select the .X domain you need according to your intention.

.X Metaverse Domains

MetaZ is the domain provider of the metaverse responsible for developing and maintaining the ecosystem of the metaverse. It facilitates domain registration and related services by offering API services which can be used to develop meta domain registrars and meta browsers. 

With the platform MetaZ offers, anyone can universally access the metaverse ecosystem without boundaries. This is something crypto wallet domains lack.

MetaZ organization released .X domains for metaverse a few weeks ago along with 3 other metaverse domain extensions; .Z .Web3 and .Meta while .Z domains are the main extension for the metaverse.

Within these few weeks many people were interested in the MetaZ domains and bought metaverse domains to start new projects in the metaverse and also for domain flipping with metaverse domains.

From these sold metaverse domains, .X are the second most picked domains only second to the .Z domains, which is the main domain extension for the metaverse. However, it’s worth mentioning that with the popularity of .X domains as crypto wallet domains, some people still prefer the .X extension in the metaverse too.

.X Crypto Wallet Domains

.X crypto wallet domains gained popularity over the past few years even though it was provided by a few crypto domain providers. However, the biggest .X crypto wallet domain provider is Unstoppable Domains.

Mainly it was used as an alternative crypto wallet address to ease the crypto transactions where crypto wallet addresses are long hexadecimal digits hard to remember for an average user.

Some domain providers allow setting up simple websites with these .X domains which is more like a portfolio for the crypto wallet owner. Also they offered predefined simple website templates for resale, coming soon and contact which can host with these domains.

However, unlike metaverse .X domains, the access method, value and other factors of these .X crypto wallet domains largely differ according to the service you’re using. 

Also, they don’t have interconnections between these services or domains. Which means, they were not universally accessible or usable like metaverse domains. Each domain provider has their way of accessing and setting up of .X domains.

That’s why people believe that the Metaverse will be the revolutionary internet they were looking for.

Metaverse : The Future of the Internet

Within a few months, we were able to see a glimpse of the future internet thanks to AI technologies and Mixed Reality devices like Apple Vision Pro.

Even though we are stuck in the traditional internet, we just experienced what is about to happen with the internet. The days of scrolling through webpages to find the correct information will end soon.

And hopefully, it’s here with a perfectly built ecosystem.

MetaZ domains (Metaverse domains) are the domain naming system developed to cater the ecosystem of the next-generation internet.

The metaverse domain provider, meta domain registrars and meta browsers are here to manage the metaverse ecosystem offering more user friendly and intelligent ways to fulfill your needs using 3D interactive and AI technologies.

Now you can access any of the metaspace hosted with a metaverse domain using any meta browser and experience this web3 internet to see the enhancement it offers.

.X metaverse domains will be a major player in this metaverse ecosystem even though the .Z domain is the main domain extension for the metaverse.

.X Domains for Business

The present internet with .com domains are not going to become extinct because of the metaverse. At least in the near future.

But, with the popularity of the Mixed Reality gadgets like Apple Vision Pro and Meta Quest to access the internet, businesses will have to adapt to these new technologies to serve their customers better with the best experience in order to survive.

If you’re a business owner, it’s advisable to acquire metaverse domains for your business name before someone else to avoid any future conflicts even if you’re not planning to migrate your business to the metaverse soon.

Even at Brinso, we developed our latest brand name toolkit based on the latest AI technologies and hosted it at the brinso.z and brinso.x metaspaces utilizing the AI friendly MetaZ platforms.


Visit brinso.x metaspace using any meta browser and experience the AI-based best brand naming toolkit that offers services from naming your business to grow your business.

.X Domains for Domain Flipping

It took about 2 decades to register all English word .com domains and even it took several years to register the first 100 domains.

The reason is, many people didn’t recognize their value and potential at the time. Even some consider the internet a joke. Only a few understood its potential and invested in businesses on the internet and for domain flipping.

But, this time it will be different.

Within a few weeks of releasing the metaverse domains, thousands of domains were sold and .X domains were the second most sold domain extension only falling behind the .Z domain.

Not all these buyers are going to start businesses on the metaverse but are trying metaverse domain flipping with the opportunity they see.

Even we as Brinso, have acquired some valuable metaverse domains related to the brand name industry such as brandnames.x in hope of domain flipping with metaverse domains.

.X or .Z for Domain Flipping?

This is an arguable question at this time.

.Z is the main domain extension for the metaverse so it’s safe to assume that .Z domains will be the most valuable domain extension in the metaverse.

On the other hand, .X domains already have a reputation as an alternative domain extension to .com domains hence some people prefer .X metaverse domains over .Z domains.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, we recommend experimenting with both .Z and .X domains until we get a definitive answer to this question.

How to Register .X Domains

At the moment, there are only a few Meta domain registrar services available such as Namezage, Cipzi and Ogett to register your .X metaverse domains.

You can use any of these meta domain registrars to acquire your first metaverse domain name, be it .X or any other metaverse domain extension as you prefer.

These registrars also offer metaspace creation and metaspace hosting services if you want to migrate your business to the metaverse.

We are using the Namezage to manage our meta domain portfolio.

You can start your metaverse business or domain flipping journey with Namezage or any other meta domain registrar

How to Access .X Domains

You can access any metaverse domain using any meta browser, no matter if it’s .X .Z .Meta or .Web3.

Cligor, Sifoz, Elaraix, Lumosurf are some of the most popular meta browsers you can use to access the metaverse. Some meta browsers offer online browsers to access the meta domains without downloading the browser.


You can access any metaverse domain using any meta browser. However, you can’t access .X crypto wallet domains using meta browsers.

Key Takeaways

.X domains are one of the main metaverse domains only second to the .Z domains.

You can use .X domains for launching a business in the metaverse or to sell later for a profit (metaverse domain flipping).

.X domains can be considered as a good investment to try with the metaverse domains.

Most importantly, always make sure you’re buying your .X domains from a MetaZ accredited meta domain registrar such as Namezage, Ogett or Cipzi to avoid scams.


Can I access Unstoppable Domains .X domains using a Meta browser?

The .X domains purchased from Unstoppable Domains are crypto wallet domains. You can’t access a crypto wallet domain using a meta browser. You can only access meta domains using meta browsers.

How much are the .X domains priced?

Same as the web2 domains (.com domains), different meta domain registrars pricing .X domains differently. This can vary due to their operational cost, services they’re offering and more factors. Namezage, Cipzi and Ogett are meta registrars you can buy .X meta domains for now and we expect to see more registrars soon.

Who are the .X domain providers?

MetaZ Org is the .X metaverse domain provider and Unstoppable Domains is the main domain provider of .X crypto wallet domains.

Can I access .X metaverse domains using Chrome or Firefox?

It’s impossible to access .X meta domains using Chrome, Firefox or any other web2 browser.  The reason is, the metaverse is based on decentralized web3 platforms and it only works with the browsers developed according to its ecosystem. Cligor, Sifoz, Lumosurf are popular meta browsers you can use to access meta domains.